The Schoolhouse experiment...
new... and fresh... and alive...
From WithIN!
R. Buckminster Fuller
"You Never Change things by fighting the existing reality. To Change Something, build a New Model that Makes the Existing Model Obsolete."
"It is a Timeless Act of Creation... To Create."
As the Children of the Creator Race...
Claimed their Innate Sovereign Right and Authority...
To Create.
Rising Up, Coming Forth, and Standing in Their Power... Their Divine Provenance IN Action... Enacted a New Scene!
Their Desires... Their Imagination... Their Choices...
Their Thoughts, Words and Actions.
Co-Creating with The Great Mystery...
Changed Everything!
Building and Weaving a New Dream Together as One, for the Good of the Whole!
It Is Done!
Welcome Aboard the Love Train... 528 hz is IN The House!
a grassroots, self-directed, multigenerational... teaching, leading, learning community... dedicated to the health and well being of the planet and All Beings Everywhere!"
"The Schoolhouse experiment...
Serves As...
A New Paradigm Blueprint,
the new earth embodied...
free and thriving and at peace.
An Advanced... One Room Schoolhouse...
That Loves to Learn, and Lead and Teach...
And Who's Design...
Is One of Flow!"
Creator and Visionary Guide,
Ne nii gaa naa biik
By: Anne Marie DesLauriers©
The Schoolhouse - Unified Field Wheel!
Design Purpose and Intent:
To Activate Each Sector to Its Highest Potential...
Through the Alignment and Unification of...
The Power Held WithIN the People!
Activated for a Common Good...
To Create Peace and Prosperity... A Sense of Purpose and Place... An Understanding of Our INnate Wisdom, and Our Capacity to Thrive as One Community.
Sovereign. Free. And at Peace.
The Design is meant to Demonstrate, and Inspire, Active Awareness
The Intrinsic Value held WithIN - All of Life!
Thus... Creating a Context for Infinite Abundance to Flow Naturally!
As a Maxim of law...
"The Way in which something is Bound... Is the Way It is Unbound."
"Freedom is indivisible ; the chains on any of my people were the chains on all of them. The chains on all of my people were the chains on me."
Nelson Mandela
"The Schoolhouse... as an experiment - Is Lifelike!"
"Yesterday I was Clever. so I wanted to Change the World. Today I Am Wise, so I Am Changing Myself."
R. Buckminster Fuller...
Bucky was a Powerful Creator, with a Brilliant Mind!
One of the Great Polymath's...
His Comprehensivist Philosophy... Led him to focus on the Possibilities held within the Good of Mankind!
The "Anticipatory Design Science" he embodied...
Creates from a Place of Possibility...
And Designs Its Infrastructures
To Allow for the Possibility of "GOOD"
To Flow...
To Come Out WithIN Humanity!
Presented By: The Mission Report
The Core of the Curriculum... Is the Field Practicum!
The Whole Enchilada Baby!
"One of the great liabilities of history is that all too often, people fail to remain awake through great periods of social change. Every society has its protectors of the status quo, and its fraternities of the indifferent who are notorious for sleeping through Revolutions. Today, our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake to new ideas, to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change."
Martin Luther King, Jr
"We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses." Carl Jung
There's a saying... "that all roads lead to Rome."
At The Schoolhouse, in the Land of the Living Freeflow... We are Experimenting with a different kind of Embodied Perspective...
ONE where... "All Roads Lead Us Home!"
And, it's as Easy as 1,2,3...
"Starting at the Core... Moving Into Form... Playing In the Dance... Looking to See... Am I Living Free... In the Whole Scene?"
You See... We've taken Long Routes, Short Routes and All Manner of Routes and Roads...
And what We Discovered was...
"We could just turn around, and Say Hello!
Hi... I Am Here.
I AM Home!
I Am Back At Basecamp...
Living from Within the Truth of My Divine Light...
My INnate Nature.
Pure Essence, True Value and Authentic Power!
Actively Aware and Consciously Creating...
Peace and Prosperity, Truth and Love and Beauty, Freedom and Fellowship Enveloping the World!
Hearts and Minds, Open and Receiving IN Flow...
Life's Grand Inheritance - Delivered from on High!
"It is Finished!"
As We Focus on Our Desired Future Now...
And Review the Preliminary Core...
We Bring What is Good and Real and True Forward...
And Start Anew Again!
And What a Start It Is... January 20, 2024
Hello Age of Aquarius...
Welcome 5th Dimension!
Time to Soar!
Childlike Presence...
From: Me ̴ To: You
Multi-Generational Participation...
Abundance Mentality...
Sustainable & Scalable Blueprint...
Ancient Wisdom...
Cosmic Perspective...
The Schoolhouse Main Frame
The Operating System...
The Activation...
Ancient Wisdom...
Foundational Framework...
The Schoolhouse - Unified Field Wheel...
Ignited from WithIN...
The Pulse of Creation...
Life's Embodied Evolution in Form...
As the Vibrant Nature at Their Core...
Ripples Out...
Into the Infinite Field of Possibilities...
To BE Expressed Expansively...
Spiraling Out...
From WithIN the Hearts of the People...
Dynamically Spinning the Wheel...
As Manifest Creations...
Their Passions, Values, Gifts and Desires...
Alive and Moving... From WithIN Its Timeless INnate Nature...
The Waves of Change... Light Animated Multi-Dimensionally... Dancing IN Its Ecstatic FreeFlow...
Weaving a New Dream... A New Scene... A Whole New World...
A Seed IN Every Core...
Going Beyond...
Where We Have Been Before...
United... We Soar Free!
the people's peace portal...
Grounded In a New Age!
Back to Basecamp...
"starting at the core... moving into form... playing IN the dance... looking to SEE.. Am I Living Free?... IN the Whole Scene?..."
The Simple Act of Acknowledgement...
Changes Everything!
I See You! Free.
"a free sovereign soul"
Finally! & Forever.
Living Empowered from WithIN...
One's Own Divine Birthright, Natural Inheritance, INnate Nature and Self-Determined Life.
Naturally expressively free...
pure essence...
true value...
authenic power...
Actively Aware and Consciously Creating from WithIN... the field of the freeflow!
what it means to be free...
The Schoolhouse experiment & Unified Field Wheel Curriculum
Presentation & Educational Formats...
With Beginners Eyes... We SEE.
The Children of the Creator Race... "We have Risen One by One... and are Creating Together Anew!"
It Is Always... A Beginning Again...
WithIN the next Breath... WithIN the next Choice... WithIN the next Heart Beat...
With Open Curiosity... Wonder and Joy... And Playful Hearts...
We Leap...
As we Explore... The Core... And the Infinite Field of Possibilities!
Announcement Links...
Service Initiatives Opportunities