The Mainline...
WithIN the Divine
Life Force flow state...
"Pure Essence"
Our INnate Nature...
The Primordial Mystery
Embodied IN Its INFINITE Evolutionary Forms…
That Moves Life Along...
The Pulse of Creation
ALIVE WithIN Us Now!
And Forever More.
"True Value" Comes... With the Power Pack INtact!
Staff of Light
My intention in Creating this Staff of Light…
Is to Embolden my Sense of Sovereign Divinity
As I Command a Higher Frequency of Lovelight to Rise Up WithIN Me.
I do this to Bless, Honor and Acknowledge the Power Vested in Me…
By My Creator
To Bring About Profound Positive Transformation, WithIN and Without.
May this Conscious Act…
Stir the Heavens… and Guide My Way…
As I travel along this Unknowable Sacred Path
One Beacon of Light Amongst Many.
May I, and this Staff of Radiant Light…
Serve as an Instrument of Peace and Love and Healing
For Our World and All Beings Everywhere.
It Is So… And So It Is.
Proclaims the Mystery that Dwells WithIN Me.
In Reverence,
About the Staff of Light Creation...
Visually, a staff would generally be viewed as something longer and straighter in stature. When I first picked up this piece at the waters’ edge last summer, I did not know why it called to me so distinctly. And as I have come to appreciate its character and uniqueness over the months, I realize now the purpose it wished to Serve.
I have chosen to describe it as a staff… to symbolize the Tree of Life, the Union between Heaven and Earth, and the Magic and Power held within an Amplification of Spiritual Energies.
All of which, felt most relevant and supportive to my intentions, and the energies in which it is called to invoke.
The Foundational Structure:
A raw “Beaver Hewn” White Poplar Branch... from the Shore of One of my Most Favorite Lakes!
I chose to leave it in its “raw hewn” form to celebrate the essence of Beaver, and highlight the “naked” beauty of this Tree Being.
The Lake… Deep, Clear, and Abundant.
The Tree… Deeply Grounding, the Poplar Spirit is known for Protection, Foresight, Diligence, Powerful Speech, Renewal and Healing. The Poplar Spirit is a keen guide into the world of Divination, and Seeing True, as well as a bridge-builder between Earth and the Spirit realm. (Taken from
Beaver... They are Master Home Builders. They perform magnificent feats of engineering in the felling of trees and the building of dams. They are excellent swimmers and have extra-large lungs enabling them to take in more oxygen. Water is associated with emotions and dreams. Beaver is known as "The Builder of Dreams". One of the most common dreams people have, is to have a home and a family. This dream is embodied by beaver. It lives in a close-knit family and beaver will mate for as long as they are alive. Beaver reminds us we have to act on our dreams to make them a reality. (Taken from Animal Speak by Ted Andrews)
From Top to Bottom:
Years ago, I bought a really cool artisan made Kaleidoscope. I just loved it, and enjoyed it for many years until unfortunately it got damaged and broke. Fortunately… I saved it, and in this instance, the broken piece was Exactly what I needed to symbolize “The World” and a “Clear Shaft” to Direct the Light from the Heavens… down to Earth symbolized by the Brown Leather Wrap.
At the base of the Clear Shaft is a Silver Pendant, with a Sun Image which holds a Mother of Pearl within it.
Silver… Assists in Raising Sensitivity, Expanding Awareness, Enhancing Intuition and Increased Compassion. Clarity, Persistence, Strength, Increased Self-Reflection and Inner Wisdom are also highlighted. Silver carries the energy of the Moon. It is Feminine, cyclical in nature, and embodies the energy of both light and dark. It is always changing and in constant motion.
The Sun… It makes Life on Earth possible. It gives us Warmth and Light and Nurtures. It Unites and gives us a sense of Oneness. The Sun is one of the most powerful connecting points between the Spiritual and Material Worlds. Its round shape represents Wholeness, Self, and a manifestation of God through Humanity. It signifies Spiritual Awareness and a Connection to the Divine. Some of its’ positive attributes are of Abundance, Divinity, Birth, Clarity, Healing, Harvest, and Joy. It serves to Illuminate our Path in Life.
Mother of Pearl… It is considered an auspicious stone for women. It signifies Wisdom, Learning, Creativity and Purity, along with enhancing a State of Grace.
Below the Pendant, affixed to the Earth (brown leather wrap) is a White Quartz Crystal.
This Crystal showed itself to me last fall, while I was on a walk on a trail not far from my home. It was protruding out of the ground slightly… and its “white” caught my eye… calling me to explore further. When I dug deeper around its body, to my surprise I uncovered this Great Treasure!
White Quartz Crystals… A stone of Balance and Intense Positive Energy. It works on the Crown Chakra to remove negative energy from your aura, and improves physical strength. It holds and amplifies intentions, and diffuses tranquility, calm and peace. This gemstone holds the energy of bright light and helps to generate a chain of happiness. One of the most amazing properties of quartz is the ability of its crystal to vibrate at precise frequencies. These frequencies are so precise that they can be used to make extremely accurate time keeping instruments.
Underneath the Crystal, attached to the Earth is a Silver Heart with 8 diamonds embedded. And just below that is a heart shaped piece of material resembling the fur/coat of a Jaguar, which is one of my main totem animals. This collection of Elements… I humbly present as a symbol of my True Self, embodied in form, grounded deeply in this Great Mother. The positive aspects I feel I express and embody, along with those energies I seek to receive, to help me along the way!
Silver… representing the Divine Feminine.
Diamonds… Spend thousands of years in the heat and pressure deep inside the Earth. They are the hardest known material. They impart fearlessness, invincibility, and fortitude, along with strength, love and health. They stimulate creativity, inventiveness, imagination and ingenuity. They bring clarity of mind and aid enlightenment. Diamonds allow the Soul Light to Shine Out!
The number 8... Presents Infinity and Symbolizes Balance, the Flow of Energy, Abundance, Power, Harmony, Prosperity, New Beginnings and a New Order or Creation.
Jaguar... Represents Fearlessness, Protection, Sensitivity and Strength of Will
Below Jaguar is a Red piece of Fine Material representing the Heart of Mankind. And in the Center of that, is a Rainbow colored Weave… a wave… representing the Eternal Flow of Life, the Pulsing of Creation within Everything and Everyone.
Below that are Snow Geese Feathers affixed to a Golden leather band, which signifies the Sun, supported by Spirit, the White Leather Band. Ultimately it imbues a Desire to Reach New Heights of Spiritual Awareness.
The Geese Feathers Represent… Freedom, Truth, Wisdom, Spirituality, Guidance and Transformation. As well as Family, Loyalty, Leadership, Communication, Navigation and Bravery.
Placed on top of the Spirit Band is a piece of “Ely Greenstone” which too has a vein of White Quartz Crystal in it.
A rock formation that is 2.7 Billion years old… One of the oldest rocks in the world! Its’ grounding capacities are enormous.
The shape of the Ely Greenstone piece I used, was meant to represent a Triangle. In Sacred Geometry the triangle symbolizes Balance and Harmony. The three sides represent Body, Mind and Spirit. Pointing upward it indicates Raising Consciousness, and downward it is associated with Feminine Energy and Reproduction, as it resembles the womb.
Collectively they Represent a Strong Vibrational Connection to Heaven and Earth... and New Life.
And Finally…
At the base of the Staff, is a wrap of Golden String.
It represents the Spiral of Life, the Connectedness between All Life, the Essence of Life Itself.
It is my Great Hope…
That by sharing with You, this very Intimate Creation of Mine, and the Intentional Aspects and Elements of the Staff of Light…
You will be Encourage to Create Your Own!
May you do this in the Spirit of Love, Joy and Wonder, and in so doing, Experience Directly, the INnate Power You Hold WithIN!
In Conclusion…
I chose to post the Picture and the Proclamation on 1/4/2023. Which in numerology represents the number 3. (1+4+2+2+3=12 ; 1+2=3)
The number 3 has many meanings. In this context it conveys the meaning of Completeness.
It Is Done.
The Fulfillment of my Intention.
Today, as I add the details of the Creation of my Staff of Light… it is January 6, 2023
I do so Intentionally… as it is a Full Moon in Cancer …
Which so aptly aligns with This Creation!
In the Full Light of this Full Moon…
I shall Raise my Staff of Light in Celebration, Illumination and Its Formal Activation from on High!
May It Serve the Highest and Best for All!
Peace & Love,
Have Fun Creating Your Own Staff of Light!
As it, Exemplifies Your INnate "Authentic Power" and Nature.
33 Trillion Volts Surging through YOU… NOW!
"Our Knowing Nature...
Already Knows
How to Flow... Naturally."
INnately in All Ways...
INnate Nature Podcasts
from the beginning...
Rocky Rococo... my Inspiration!
a Rich Portal Given...
the Bridging of Heaven and Earth granted...
Perfected in Its INnate True State...
Flowing Unencumbered from WithIN...
a Holographic Scene...
All Individual IN their Presence...
Holy IN Their Whole Forms..
Fractal Aspects of the Primordial Mystery...
Ever Unfolding INto More...
The Holy Grail...
The Great INnate
WithIN Us
Of Its Own Mystery...
Ecstatically Living from Its Core...
Its W(inter) Life Beauty...
Exalted Through All Its Shapes and Forms...
Continually Seeding Seasons of Plenty...
As Beauty Abounds...
And Love Flourishes...
From the Heart of Its Ancient Wisdom...
And Transcendent Eternal Nature...