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The Meaning and Importance behind the Precept of the "Freewill
Energy Exchange"

In 2011, near the end of my "Experiential Ph.D. program," I met with a woman who was a designer in Carmel, CA. She and her husband, a prominent doctor in town, were looking for a nanny for their three children. It was a live-in position that paid $1,200/month. The package seemed like a dream at the time! As we sat in the local coffee shop checking one another out, she asked me… "why, with your background and skill set do you want this job?... it doesn't pay that much, you know?" I looked at her, and out of my mouth came this simple yet profound wisdom… "there is no amount of money that can come close, to the value of my presence in being… As I make your children breakfast, see them off to school, watch them at their swim lessons, and tuck them into bed at night."

I didn't get the job, but as I heard myself state my truth, I received a precious gift! As it reflected for me, the gold nugget at the center of my journey! And at this time of deep change and great separation, surely my own efforts to See and Understand truly Who I Am, and my willingness to stand Present to another in their own Sovereign Divinity, has to be at the core of the Healing and Change that The World Needs Now. That which will ignite the New Humanity!

Annii...(A Spirit Guide Home)

"The Essence of Creation cannot be Quantified." "Your Value as a Living Breathing, Divinely Sourced, Man or Woman is Immeasurable!"

Everything we need to live and to lead happy, healthy lives Already Exists within the Natural World and the People of the Planet. We need to Create New Structures that provide for the Opportunity to Access this Unending Abundance! And to return Balance and Harmony to the People and the Planet.

If you have ever been hungry (especially for good organic, nutritious food), been without a home, or were in need of, or wanting Anything at All… yet you didn't have the "money" to buy it… you can easily see how the "current system" does not provide Equal Access. And can keep us stuck and unsatisfied in many ways. This is something that Must Change! And it is. There are many "tools" and "solutions" that exist and are being developed. We must integrate as many as possible, as long as they Serve the Highest Good for All!

Think of a situation when someone helped you in a real time of need. Or a moment of experiencing something in life that restored your faith in Yourself and Mankind. Or a time when you felt an absolute sense of peace, love, and contentment. Surely, a Value cannot be attached!

The "Freewill Energy Exchange"…

Is an Action and Structure I am Utilizing, to Make Change!

It Provides Equal Access to what I am Offering… and Invites You to Decide what Value it Holds for You!

If you Appreciate my Contributions, Feel Inspired or a Benefit from my work in any way…

I Invite you to "Activate Your Current of Exchange", and Let the Love Flow!

To Activate Your "Freewill Energy Exchange" use the Donate Button Above!


Please include a message in the Pay Pal system, if you are requesting a Specific Gift or Offering. Then please send an email, with instructions as to what you wish to receive, and where it should be sent.

If you would like to share my work and website with others, please do! I would be most grateful if you spread the love! If you would like to share a message of appreciation, have a question or would like to collaborate, please send me an email. I would love to hear from you!

Thank You So Much ... Have a Great Day... Give it Your Best... the World Needs You
Annii...(A Spirit Guide Home)