I grew up on the back of a horse in the woods… Communing with the natural world and her animals. They taught me what "God" was and reflected for me my own True Nature. My "contemplative and meditative practices" started then, as I reflect back now… whether it was walking, riding, sitting, swimming, or building many a campfire within the forest acreage that was home.
I feel so grateful to have had that time to learn to go "IN" and connect deeply with myself and to other sentient beings. And to feel the peace and freedom held within the silence, and the spaciousness to roam that country living provided. I used to say… I could live in the middle of the woods totally off-grid or in the middle of Soho! I do not know if that is true anymore, but one thing is for sure… I am drawn to the "edges" and the "depths"… and seek out immersive experiences in all forms! I am a "direct and to the Source" kind of gal… And feel we must Constantly be Engaging and Cultivating our Capacity to "know"… From within Ourselves, using Our Direct Access and Connection to Source. And the Innate Tool Kit we were given as our Birthright.
Primary to the Careers and Work I have done throughout my life… Is a thread of "Service to Others." I am an entrepreneur and leader by nature and thrive in collaborative environments, where I offer a niche role within a common vision and goal. I love to bring people together to have fun, explore, and grow in life and in love. I have always been a "big dreamer" and visionary. A Free Spirit, Seeker, Creative, an Inventor of Ideas©! I love to travel and experience new people, places, and things… In addition to hanging out with the Animals and the Great Mother, One of my greatest joys in life is a trip to the local farmers market for the days' freshest offerings. And then to make a gorgeous meal and share it with loved ones, in a beautiful setting! I thrive in Simplicity. And I feel Full Spectrum, Lifelong Learning and Living, are Integral to a healthy, vital existence!
Two of the greatest compliments I have received to date… one from an East Indian woman, after making and serving her a "Mango Chutney, Black Peppered Salmon, Edible Flower Salad"… "I feel this was made with love." To have someone "feel" your "love signature" in translation is Absolutely the Best! And then the other, from an instructor of a Work Scholar program I took, called "Creator's Map"… "Annii, you are both a Warrior and a Child!" My interpretation… a fiercely committed heart and innate propensity to stand up for the "underdog." And a playful, childlike innocence, along with a vivid imagination, and a healthy dose of curiosity and wonder!
Someone once asked me… "What are your greatest power tools Annii?"… and without any forethought, out of my mouth came… "knowing what they are!" In essence… knowing what the Source of the Power Is, and Where it Lives! And then Understanding that the goal is to Live from that place! Our Spiritual Essence! Home. Love.
We start There First! Sovereign, Whole and Free to Be! And then we Move into Form, fueled by Our Innate Talents, Gifts and Natural Alignments. Of course, this is a Life Long Pursuit! 😊 Every Moment is a New Beginning… and Thank God for That! The Power in Reflection, and a Constant Inquiry with Life, encourages us to keep going! To See if we are Aligned to Thrive! Leading the Rich and Fulfilled Life of Our Dreams! The One we are Supposed to Live. Our Greatest Contribution!
It was a profound moment for me… one that reflected my fundamental awareness of what all the True and Great Masters point to… Home. Unconditional Love and Right Use of Energy. They Guide us back to Ourselves… Our Divine Essence Embodied in Form. The Place Where the Power Tools Live! The Place from which… Peace and Prosperity Spring Forth. Infinite Abundance Flows!
The Meaning behind Annii's Avatar…The image I use as my “Avatar” represents many things. First it embodies “The Movement of Life, Love Light, Expressing in Form”. Heaven on Earth. Oneness. Unity Consciousness. You. Me. We. The Whole Scene! It exudes Childlike Playfulness. Creativity. Originality. Active Engagement… As Above So Below.
It Signifies the Toroidal Form, which is the Fundamental Pattern that integrates Science and Spirituality.
The "Torus" is the pattern that makes up every atom, molecule, cell, body, energy field, Solar System, Galaxy, Cluster that we are all in! It is all functioning "Toroidally". It comes in one end, circles around, and goes out the other! It is Distinct and Unified at the same time… Individual and Connected… Sound familiar? 😊 It is the Essence of a Sustainable, Healthy System, a Blueprint that mirrors the way Home! The Torus is the Pattern of Flow!
When I look at my Avatar, I Smile. 😊 And think… Yes… That's Me at Heart! That, too, is what I'm going for, each and every day! Acknowledge the Absolute, Live in that Union, Act from the Heart of Who I Am, Align to Thrive, and Stay in the Flow…as much as possible! And when I fall off my surfboard… I get back on… and start the ride again! 😊
P.S. Did you know that the Heart is the first organ to form in the womb? That its electromagnetic field is 5000 times stronger than the brain? That it is "Intelligent"? There is much being learned and discovered, about the Power of the Heart, and the Fundamental Patterning of the Torus. I find it fascinating!
What's in a Name…My lawful given name is Anne Marie DesLauriers©.
In Ceremony, I received the Anishinaabe Name, Ne nii gaa naa biik.
I have been told it means "the first lady in line, the first lady in line ahead of someone". The interpretation is of honor and humility. It is granted to someone who has been through much in life... who has stood the tests of time and Stands True—one who is respected as an Elder. I carry the "cracked pipe medicine" which means I have been "broken open many times, and have been able to put myself back together again". Knowing of this "medicine" prior to the Ceremony and then being given this specific representative name, seemed quite surreal! I am grateful.
Annii is an Integration of those Names. It represents to me, my Eternal Spirit and Soul, the Pulse of Creation within me, and my "Embodied Evolution©" in Form.
What's in a name… I AM the Wind, the Water, the Trees…
I AM of a Mystery that Truly cannot be defined, and cannot be Contained. It is not Mine to Know… It is Simply mine to Live. aho
Academic Studies & Education:
University of Minnesota, Morris
Esalen Institute – Work Scholar ; Permaculture Design Certificate ; Social Entrepreneurism
Wisdom Graduate School/Ubiquity University
Resonance Science Academy – Delegate
Community Service & Volunteerism:
Co-organizer: Ely to Gulf Coast Goodwill Project
Founder & Event Coordinator – Trezona Trail Clean-up, Earth Day & Community Service Event - 12 Years
Meals on Wheels
Northwoods Respite Volunteer
Girls Softball & Hockey Coach
Montreal, Quebec to Boston, Massachusetts. 5 days, 425 miles. A dedicated bike ride of the Heart! An expansion of Possibilities!
Spirituality Studies & Healing/Bodywork Certifications:
Ancient and Earth Based Wisdom – Indigenous Cultures
Animal Communication – Self Directed
Astrology - Personal Chart Studies and Integrative Work
Buddhism – Mindfulness Meditation & Silent Retreats
Celtic Fire and Faerie – White Bird Blessing Circle, Transmissions of Healing, and Energetic Activations.
Craniosacral & Full Body Presence
Creators Map, The Art of Manifestation
Heyoka Empath
Human Design
Paranormal/Mind Control
Past Life Regression Work; Through years of inquiry, messages, and this specific work… I humbly and gratefully acknowledge a previous life as a member of the Essene Community in the days of Yeshua ben Joseph.
Personal Direct Experiences of Bi-location, Lucid Dreaming, Instantaneous/Spontaneous Healing, Telepathy, and Unity Consciousness.
Ramana Maharshi/Papaji/Gangaji
Reiki Healing I & II
Sacred Sweat Lodge – Anishinaabe; Esselen; Personal Self-Directed.
Shamanic Healer of Ancient Wisdom Teachings.
Shamanic Journey Work... As Life Itself.
Theta Healing I & II
Women's Wisdom Circles
Direct Experience, through my life's many Adventures, has been my Greatest Teacher!
What Do You Care About Most?
Prime Directives
Abundance Mentality
Access for All
State of Allowing
Back to Basecamp - Philosophy
Childlike Presence
Cosmic Perspective
Full Disclosure
Heart-Centered Action
Mutual Benefit
Peace & Prosperity
Right Use of Energy
Unconditional Love
Statement of Intention:
I am Guided, Directed, and Committed to the Pursuit, Practice, and Integration of the stated Prime Directives and Values. These I hold steadfast in my Heart, Mind, Body, Spirit, and Soul as they represent to me Divine Will. (Stated in alphabetical order.)
As we move into "uncharted territory" for our Species and Our Planet, I feel it is more important than ever, to State and to Stand, in our Beliefs and what we Value Most!
Sacred Innocence